Economic Empowerment Program

The Economic Empowerment Program seeks to provide direct support to people to increase income and living standards.
It is a multidimensional social process that helps people to control their own lives.
It is a practice in which power is adopted in societies for the mutual benefit of individuals.
It empowers and supports people to reach their goals by providing training, processes and opportunities.
Empower individuals economically through capacity building programs in small business, vocational training and ultimately incubation.
As well as linking individuals to jobs opportunities or supporting them in establishing their own businesses, contributing to enhancing the capacity of IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) and refugees, and building cohesion between host communities and local communities.

Vocational Training: Economic stability of individuals and support their resilience.
Small business management training: A comprehensive customised practical course to enable participants to manage their own business and operations.
- Business incubator: Provide incubation environment that helps new and start-up businesses to develop by providing services such as management training or help with business basics.
- Linking individuals to income opportunities: Create a platform that connects qualified persons with employment opportunities to fit their skills, also by supplying a start-up kit customised for each profession.
The economic empowerment programs first project took place in 2013. It consists of the provision of vocational training in the field of carpentry, and was undertaken in rural Idleb. Carpentry is skilled trade and as a result of this training future opportunities was created and benefited 250 individuals.
The program aims to further enhance support in contributing towards the resilience of IDPs and refugees and building coherence between host and guest communities.
As well as employability opportunities and support economic stability of individuals by supporting their resilience.
The focus is also placed on enhancing psycho-social health and wellbeing along with cohesion with the community by moving to productivity and providing a good example of positive coping.
The economic empowerment program is:
- Designed to be integrated with the other programs.
- Has built up experience.
- Has large geographical coverage both inside Syria and in Turkey.
Vocational Training Workshops